Farm To Your Table

For this South Carolina Department of Agriculture TV Commercial, over 30 costumes were procured, maintained, and styled for a relaxed, relatable feel.

A Dustoftheground production. Directed by Jeremey Lethco with Austin Grenbenc as Director of Photography.

A Dustoftheground production. Directed by Jeremey Lethco with Austin Grenbenc as Director of Photography.

A Dustoftheground production. Directed by Jeremey Lethco with Austin Grenbenc as Director of Photography.

A Dustoftheground production. Directed by Jeremey Lethco with Austin Grenbenc as Director of Photography.

It Matters that Much

These two South Carolina Education Lottery TV Commercials encompass an array of costumes with a sports theme specifically procured, sewn, and rigged for a comedic purpose.

A Dustoftheground production. Directed by Jeremey Lethco with Austin Grenbenc as Director of Photography.

A Dustoftheground production. Directed by Jeremey Lethco with Austin Grenbenc as Director of Photography.


A Pierson Collective Production. This advertisement details a new software that allows AI- powered video conference calls. The costumes were styled in reference to the 2007 Apple commercial featuring Justin Long, however, with a modern and colorful twist.




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